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Media Strategy & Placement

What We Do

Whether you want to become a go-to media expert in your field or promote your book in media and podcasts, we have the direct relationships to achieve success.

We provide the media strategy to maximize your desired goals (revenue growth, go to expert, book sales!) along with top tier media placement with game changing media appearances nationally and locally. It’s the exposure you are looking for and the results you need.

Who we work with

CEOs/Business Owners aiming to lead their niche

Book authors seeking publicity

Why it Works

Our direct connections to the networks and shows that matter

We develop you to become an expert in your field in the media (it’s not just about placement like a PR firm does)

We are not a traditional PR firm - we don’t work with everyone…only the people we believe we can develop. 

Why It Matters

trillion annually

increase in digital media’s ROI when TV exposure is included

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trillion annually

of decision makers say thought leadership through media exposure significantly increases their trust in a company2 

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trillion annually

of website traffic originating from media coverage is more likely to complete a purchase3 

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trillion annually

of video per week is viewed in U.S. homes4 

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